Alpha at St Paul's Friday 11 March @5 PM
Alpha is a space to explore life's big questions, to say what you think and to hear other people's points of view. Ready to begin the journey? Pray to invite 3 Friends to attend with you
Registration: send a Text Message to 9045247881

Logos Group Bible Study
The Fruits of the Spirit
Every Wednesday
at 10 Am at Bocher Hall
If you have the fruit of Love, you will be full of joy.
Annual Meeting is February 13
Reflection of the past year, reports from Commission leaders, the Priest
Election of new Vestry members
Lunch will be served/ Covered Dish
St Paul's Outreach Ministry
Arlington Community Services.
The ACS January, fed 180 clients,
29 homeless
helped 6 families
New Pantry Needs
Hamburger helper, Canned pasta, Pork & Beans,
Canned tomatoes, Meat, Jelly, Peanut butter, Dry cereal,
Oatmeal, crackers, Snacks, Toilet tissue, Tooth paste,
toothbrushes and clean white t-shirts
St.Paul's Parish life
Heat In the Sanctuary & Bocher Hall has been left on for your comfort tomorrow Sunday
